Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 8- Newburyport, MA -Taste of the High Life

We've spent the past two days in Newburyport, MA visiting with great friends.  Chris and Eileen are unbelievably patient and generous!   I feel utterly spoiled by their luxurious house, delicious food and wine and endless hospitality. As newly minted cruisers we are still coming to terms with needing and accepting other peoples hospitality.  We have become the house guests from hell:  We come hot, sweaty and un-showered with our smelly laundry, prop our TV deprived kids in front of the big screen TV, use your address as receiving department for all of the boat paraphernalia ordered since last port and temporarily take possession of vehicles since we don't have one of those either.....  THANK YOU Chris and Eileen!

Newburyport is a great town.  The farmers market was a great place to provision the boat with more fresh produce, unrefrigerated eggs and bagels.  We had a blast at the beach in nearby Plum Island with the Ferriolo's and Schlehrs, where Mia and Remi learned the finer points of floating on beach tubes and body surfing from Chris and the Schlehr kids.

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