Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 362- Perry Creek, Vinalhaven, ME

We stopped in Greenwich Bay, RI to organize getting our car and secure housing for the fall.  Returning to our home base marina, Brewers Cowesett, where we left 11 months ago, felt really nice. 
The marina is well run with a wonderfully competent staff and we were welcomed back warmly by many of the other boat owners. This has made the drudgery readjusting to a land based life much easier. The girls have enjoyed the marina as well, hanging out in the pool with friends, searching for shells and sea glass on the beach and netting all kinds of creatures near the docks.  They have been incredibly patient with us while we catch up on what feels like a year worth of errands. 

We plan to move into a house in Stow, MA in mid July.  Until then we'll explore more of New England aboard Borealis.  We're enjoying visiting some of our favorite places, especially those we haven't visited before by boat.  It was great to catch up with Lorna and Imre (aka Nana and Papa) in Wellfleet.  Their raucous welcome back was unforgettable.   From Cape Cod we did an overnight passage to Tenants Harbor, ME.  Maine is absolutely gorgeous and very quiet.  Even though our feet are numb from the cold water after spending a few seconds in it, we love it here.   We bought a bucket full of rock crab for $5 yesterday and had a feast.  

Mia doing halyard maintenance

1st swim in New England waters, off Weepecket Island

The Welcome Back committee

Papa boogie boarding in Wellfleet Harbor

Can you believe it, fog in Maine?  One of the shadows is Borealis

Negotiating for crab in Tenants Harbor, ME

Near Dix Island, ME

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