Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lost our marbles?

After buying the boat last July we spent a couple of weeks sailing it up the coast from Maryland to Rhode Island and had an absolute blast.  We spent the rest of the summer exploring Narragansett Bay and the surrounding area.  This confirmed our desire for more adventures.  We decided that life is too short not to follow a dream.  We started putting all our ducks in a row for a year of cruising. 

The past 4 months have been a whirlwind!  We put our house on the market on March 1st and had 4 offers within a week.  We scrambled to get rid of a ton of stuff.  After a very successful yard sale and lots of trips to Good Will we were able to fit the remainder in a 10x20 storage unit.  It felt amazing to shed much unnecessary stuff.  We moved into a temporary apartment (with added benefit of baby chicks) until the end of the school year. 

There are things that we miss already, like Pat the Cat.  But we couldn’t ask for a better home for her.  She has great people to take care of her and even a dog to boss around!  And of course, we’ll miss family and friends and the great community of Stow.